Ideal 11+ summer school for Sutton, Banstead, Croydon and surrounding areas!
Specialist 11+ tutors
Tests compiled by leading 11+ author
Small group tuition daily & fun tasks
Detailed feedback to parents 
Featured in 
Focus on strengthening weak areas 
Excellent value for money!
9am to 3.30pm daily.
Please note, extended childcare possible until 5pm, subject to demand.  Places are limited, so please book early!
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Monday 29th July to Friday 16th August 2019
Extended childcare possible until 5pm
 The 11plus Centre, 315 Croydon Rd, Wallington, SM6 7LB
Please note: These services are independently provided by 11plus Ltd and are in no way associated with the school, nor do they imply admission to the school.
I believe, The Holiday Learning Club made the difference in my child gaining a grammar school place. After only a few days, we noticed she became more focused, as she was in the company of other children also preparing for the 11+.  The competitive atmosphere encouraged her to do her very best and most of all she looked forward to attending the club everyday, as they had so much fun! A fantastic club which I'll wholeheartedly recommend to any 11+ parent. Sandra and her team are dedicated and extremely helpful. Jane, Sutton. Her daughter gained a place at Nonsuch High School for Girls.
We are proud to have been  featured in the national paper
Read a snippet of the article.
For our Easter holiday courses click here
With only a few months to go before the next round of 11+ examinations, the child who gets offered that coveted place in a grammar or selective private school, will be the child who excels in all or most areas of the examined subject. A small difference in scores of one or two marks could mean the difference between being offered a place or not. Many children pass, but only the very best get in.
The 11+ Holiday Learning Club, is a unique holiday club preparing boys and girls intending to sit the 11+ examinations for success by ensuring weak areas are eliminated. Fun holiday activities also take place to stimulate learning.  
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Save £150. Pay only £650.00 for 3 weeks 
or  £250 per week.
It is advisable that you book early as places are limited!