“Childcare, 11+ Tuition , Practice tests,  Fun activities all roped into one. Excellent value for money!
Will save me a small fortune".  Cynthia K, Sutton.

"I paid £20 per hour for a tutor and had to take a lot of time off work. Two hours tuition (of which some time was spent on tests) would be the equivalent of a day at the club. All the best!" Mrs Rajah, Wallington.
“Great to see a tutoring centre really thinking about the children. Mixing the work and play is a great idea, I bet all the tutoring centres will be at it by this time next year! Preparing for the 11+ should be fun and stress free for all concerned and I am delighted that the Holiday Learning Club have chosen us to support their personalised learning”  Andrew Baines, Bond Assessment author.
Hearty Congratulations to all who attended the Holiday Learning Club last year and got into their first choice grammar or independent school! Some of you also got scholarships to private schools. Well done!

Click here to read student and parent testimonials from past pupils.
Don't take our word for it.
Our results speak for themselves!

Click here to read some testimonials from past pupils!
Copyright: 11plus Ltd and The Holiday Learning Club